I have heard good things about Good Eat Seafood Restaurant in Richmond such as this enthusiastic review from someone on Urbanspoon in May. But when I was visiting the place for dim sum, I could hardly agreed with that person on Urbanspoon. Yes the dim sum dishes are cheap (mostly $2.95), but the portions are a lot smaller too. The rice rolls raved by the diners was just so so, very little beef and it was just boring. Their lunch special fried rice and fried noodle dishes were all $7.80, but the portions were very small. I couldn’t help comparing Good Eat to Imperial Court on the fried rice/noodles dishes at dim sum hours. At Imperial Court, the dishes were $7.95, but they were all full dinner menu size dishes, and they didn’t go cheap on the seafood ingredients. The only thing I agreed with the diner was, yes the parking was a pain! I also noticed that the place was dated and the ambiance was unpleasant.
I just thought this place might be a neighbourhood place for a number of regulars. I could see they did offer a number of specialty dishes at dinner time, but they were pretty pricey and mostly over $15 bucks. And I could instantly think of 4 or 5 similar places that had much better value in their food.

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