This is the only dessert dish that I have made more than 3 times. Thanks to Grace Lo, a crafted home pastry chef who gave me this recipe. It seems perfectly simple for me since I am definitely not much of a baker.
6 oz unsalted butter
6 oz bittersweet or semisweet chocolate
3 large egg yolks
3 large whole eggs
1/3 cup sugar (this is already reduced from the few recipes I combined)
1/3 cup flour
1. Place sheet pan in oven for at least 15 mins at 400F
2. Butter the six ramekins and dust with the cocoa powder. Tap out the excess cocoa. Ensure it’s well coated. Set aside.
3. Combine the butter and chocolate in a mixing bowl, on top of a pot of simmering buy diovan online water
4. Heat chocolate mixture until melted and set aside to cool slightly
5. Beat the eggs, the egg yolks and the sugar with a mixer on medium-high speed for about 5 mins, until they are thick and a light yellow color
6. Add the chocolate/butter mixture, gradually add the flour (just using spatula)
7. Pour the batter into ramekins, filling them about 7/8 of the way to the top.
8. Place on pre-heated sheet tray and bake for 10 mins.
9. Insert on plate, let sit for 10 seconds or so, remove the ramekins. Or use the ramekins for serving vessels.