Having walked by Gyudon Ya for like a million times on Robson, I finally got to try their food. I heard they were affliated with Chosun Korean BBQ, so I was super curious on what they would offer. Hmm… Korean Japanese food?
I was right. The donburi dishes are heavily influenced by Korean cuisine here. I ordered a large “Galbi” Beef Shot Rib Bowl ($8.50) which sounded quite reasonably priced. The food looked amazing and smelled great, but the beef tasted kind of one-dimensional – it was salty and that was about it. I mean com’on, it is not that hard to make a BBQ sauce palatable, a litte bit sugar and a little bit of chili or something would definitely make a big differnce. The rice was not cooked properly either and was a bit dry.
I think I might have appreciated them a bit more if I were still a poor international student, but for a couple bucks more, I rather go to H-Mart food court which is only a block away.

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