The design of Heirloom Vegetarian was stunning. The white brick walls, the great tall ceiling, and the rustic liquor cabinet behind the bar… Hardly believed this was transformed from Primo, a dark and muscular Spanish dining hall. This was definitely chic.
The hip started with drinks and snacks… Fluffy Popcorn dusted with beet powder, coconut oil, and nutritional yeast… Avocado fries coated with cornmeal chana flour and sweet paprika. Just brilliant brilliant composition of flavours and textures. Those were the healthy “junk food” that you want to indulge yourself with everyday!

Here purchase levitra online came the main dishes.
Wild and foraged mushrooms with coconut cream, fennel, garlic, cider; I’d have preferred a thicker sauce and this reminded me a little too much of cream of mushroom soup.

Tempeh reuben sandwich was decent. But it killed it for me with the oversized and chewy kale salad.

They definitely had a lot of great ideas and potentials here at Heirloom Vegetarian, but the dishes needed a bit of better executions.
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