Marutama Ra-Men is known for their use of chicken broth and thinner noodles in their ramen noodle dishes. But in this crazy town full of ramen addicts, being unique and interesting is just not good enough. It takes so much more to win them all over.
After a couple pints, some appetizers, and a couple hours of watching the beautiful sunset at Cactus Club by English Bay, we decided we rather spent less money for better food. Jenny and Justine suggested Marutama Ra-Men.
The decor was attractive and the food presentation was cute and well thought out. However the chicken broth was a little bland for me, and the layer of chicken grease was not an issue only when the noodles were still hot. It was a pity because I would buy cheap levitra like to drink the broth after I finished eating the noodles. Their signature tamago (boiled egg) in the soup was nice to look at. As I suspected people would either love or hate the egg because of the big contrast in texture between the rubbery white and runny yolk, I found it a little gimmicky and lacking of bold flavours. The thin ramen noodles, supposedly handmade, looked like they were instant noodles re-hydrated from a package.

I don’t doubt there are diners who are a fan of their ramen dishes. But I am all about flavours and texture, and unfortunately find their noodles and broth unsatisfying.

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