We found Porkchop & Co. in heart of Ballard district of Seattle, the center of an ‘urban village’ of Nordic heritage houses and buildings. There was this nostalgic charm about this place – the high wood plank ceiling, paintings with vibrant colors on the wall, decorative objects with their interesting stories, and most importantly, serving humble and comforting dishes with locally sourced ingredients. As I enjoy fine dining, I also love stuffing myself with simple but delicious soul food. Well it’s similar to how I like my music. Anything with a good beat is collectable – sometimes I listen to Mozart, and sometimes I dance to Marvin Gaye.
Without any hesitant, I picked the Porkchop Deluxxe ($18), the dish the restaurant was named after. The bone-in chop was topped with some gravy, 2 beautiful fried free range eggs, some roasted kale, and a fluffy biscuit. There was definitely a lot of soul on the plate. Seasoned and cooked nicely, the pork was moist and flavourful. The biscuit and and gravy were also fantastic. But surprisingly, the roasted kale impressed me the most – as I normally find eating fresh kale chopped up in a salad little unpleasant because of the rough and fibery texture, I definitely buy tramadol on line prefer this cooked version, which is tender but succulent, and soaked up with so much flavour from seasoning and the gravy.

William’s Frank’s Scramble ($12) was packed of greens and delightful flavours. And the extra side bacon ($2) was made in the house, and had a beautiful amber colour, reminding me Laap Yuk that I had in China when I was a kid. The smokiness was subtle, and the taste was somewhat in between bacon and prosciutto.

And we also got a couple bottles of Cock N Bull Ginger Beer ($5), and definitely got some great gingery kicks that boosted up our morning happiness level!

I definitely recommend Porkchop and Co. for anyone who is looking for a good hearty brunch in Seattle. Although it is about 5 miles/ 8km away from Downtown, but it is worth the trip if you want a casual but awesome meal. And the bonus is that you can have a lovely walk in the hip and charming Ballard neighbourhood.

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