Justine and I decided to come here for a beer before our VIFF film thing at Rio Theatre. And St Augustine’s just became a convenient choice in the area. The most memorable and impressive thing you can see here is their huge LCD screen of a live beer menu. The menu posts the percentage of each beer left on tap from a great variety of brews. They actually keep a live menu on their website home page too and I think it is quite brilliant. http://www.staugustinesvancouver.com/
The choices of beer we had were from their season taps and both from the local brewery Parallel 49 – the grapefruit padler was refreshing and fruity and almost tasted like a cider when the pumpkin ale was more subtle but still pretty slick and sexy.

We were informed Wednesday was the Wings Night. Only $5 per pound? How could we resist such an offer? Justine ordered salt and pepper wings as a lady always does not want to get too messy over too saucy. 🙂 I went for the exotic choice of tamari ginger wings. Wow, they were both really good! I just realized it had been a while since I enjoyed good pub chicken wings. Salt and pepper wings were fried and seasoned perfectly, and they didn’t taste dry at all. Tamari ginger wings won me over with the tons of great flavours: sweet and savory and spicy. And I had sauce all over my fingers but I just didn’t care and kept eating. I kind of wish they could have offered finger bowl or wet tissue, but I probably shouldn’t be complaining because the wings were so delicious.

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