Beet greens could be just versatile in cooking and delicious as beet roots.

The steak.
I put on a cajun spice rub before searing. Scatter roughly chopped chive on the steak and finished cooking it in the Oven.
The beet greens.
Blanch beet greens in low heat in water with a little bit oil and salt. Save half of the blanched greens, and chillit with icy water. Use a hand blender to puree the other half of the greens with a little bit olive oil, roasted garlic and onion. Use the puree in cooking risotto. Marinate the chilled greens with soy sauce, mirin and a little bit peanut butter, garnished with sesame seeds.
The plating.
Some says it looks like the map of Taiwan. For me it looks like the east coast of China along with the islands of Japan and Taiwan. Oh well just use your imagination! 🙂